Monday, March 12, 2012

Test and Project

hello all-
I'm moving the ECON test to Thursday and Friday.  I think we need a little more time.  We'll review tomorrow and Wednesday.

Also, I'm giving you an extension on your group project (THE MARKET) until March 29 and March 30.  If you're already done, let me know and I will give you some bonus.

Mr. Knight

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Instructions for Stock Game


žGo to

žClick “Play Now” (on the right)

žClick “Don’t have an account” and create one

žLogout and go back to “Play Now”

žClick “Join Group” on group menu (on left). Find the group (below). The name is “FDHS ECON 2012”. Password is “FDHS.”  Now start trading stocks!

žThis is for a grade and you must make at least two trades per week until March 26 to pass the assignment.  Winners get free lunch.
ee lunch.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


  Drawing on what you’ve learned today (about the President) and recently (about Congress) which of the two branches are more powerful?  Or are they equally powerful in different ways?  Explain using evidence from your notes about the President and Congress.
  I would say you can do this effectively in 2-3 paragraphs (please make a claim and clarify your claim)

Extra Credit Due 1/24 and 1/25

Task: Create a primer (i.e. fancy word for guide) to the 2012 United States Election, focusing on the Presidential portion of the election.  The primer should be in the form of a magazine or a brochure and should preferably be created using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, or some other comparable type of software. The primer should be written in an accessible, entertaining and non-academic way that would appeal to the average American reader, not just the average American college professor.

Components: The primer must include a number of required sections, and may include any additional sections you choose to add on your own.  The list below represents the required sections.

1. Guide to the Candidates-For each of the required candidates, give a brief biographical sketch of their political or professional history, and then discuss their specific ideas and beliefs on major issues.  Include at least one picture of the candidate with the description.  Required candidates: Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Michelle Bachman, Rick Perry, and three non-Republicans and Democrats of your choice.
This website is a good starting point for research:
The following website will help you greatly:
This one will as well:
In addition, I would recommend going to all of the candidates official websites for any additional information.

2. Guide to the Issues-What will the major issues of the 2012 Presidential Campaign be?  Which of these issues will be most important.  Research these questions and present what you find in the second part of your primer.
Again, the CNN Election page is pretty useful on this topic:

3. Guide to Money!: Which candidates have raised the most money (pick the top five)?  What major sources (i.e.States) has their money come from?  How do the fundraising accomplishments of these candidates compare with past Presidential candidates?
This site is key completing this:

4. Your Endorsement: What candidate do you most support?  Why?  What is it about this candidate that you think will make them the best pick to lead our country?

5. Your Prediction: Who do think will actually win, and why?

Primer should be accessible, informative, textually-rich, and graphically-rich.  Please provide a list of all resources used on the last page of your primer.