Sunday, October 30, 2011

Test Next Week and Notebook Check

Good day.  Our test will be next Monday and Tuesday.  The test will cover the material on Political Culture, Public Opinion, Political Ideology, Political Socialization and Political Participation from the notes.
Test format:
Multiple Choice, Matching, True/False, One Toulmin

I will also be checking your notebooks for the first time ever.  Below is the description of how it should be set up:

Notebook:  All students are required to maintain a course notebook.  The notebook must stay current and organized.  There will be periodic, unannounced, notebook checks and the notebook will be turned in at the end of both semesters.  This is designed to keep the students organized and can serve as a needed grade boost for the student.  The notebook MUST be organized as follows:  The first section includes your daily EQ log, to be updated on a daily basis.  The second section contains all vocabulary related work for each unit.  The third section contains all notes taken throughout the year, separated by unit. The fourth section lists all of the Supreme Court cases we have covered in class.  There could be a quiz on these cases at any point during the school year.  The fifth section should include any visual materials you are given or you produce (charts, graphs, brochures etc).  The sixth section should include all quizzes and tests.  The seventh section will include written responses to class discussions, debates and Socratic seminars.  The eighth section is the unit essay section.  In that section the student will store all unit essay practices, information, and responses.

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